Academic Catalog


Foothill College Course Outline of Record

Foothill College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Summer 2021
Units: 2
Hours: 2 lecture per week (24 total per quarter)
Advisory: Not open to students with credit in D H 57B.
Degree & Credit Status: Degree-Applicable Credit Course
Foothill GE: Non-GE
Transferable: CSU
Grade Type: Letter Grade Only
Repeatability: Not Repeatable

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to formulate a comprehensive periodontal treatment plan addressing the patientÕs individual needs based on the comprehensive assessment data and their knowledge of periodontal disease.
  • Students will be able to rationalize selected approaches to non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy.


The second in a series of two periodontics courses for the dental hygiene student. Focus on best practices in periodontics, decision making and treatment planning, implementation of nonsurgical periodontal therapy, interviewing and education to enhance patient motivation, and evidence based therapy for the treatment and care of periodontal disease. The course also covers periodontal surgical procedures, dental implants, periodontal emergencies, legal issues in documentation and reporting. Intended for students in the Dental Hygiene Baccalaureate Degree Program; enrollment is limited to students accepted in the program.

Course Objectives

The student will be able to:
A. Discuss the role of evidence-based care in periodontics and finding clinically relevant information.
B. Explain the steps to create a periodontal treatment plan and obtain informed consent from a patient.
C. Compare the types of nonsurgical periodontal therapy that the dental hygienist may perform.
D. Demonstrate the steps in motivational interviewing to enhance patient motivation for behavior change related to oral health home care.
E. Compare the chemical agents and procedures for irrigation, both home applied and professionally applied.
F. Outline the planning and procedures for a periodontal maintenance visit.
H. Identify the anatomy of a dental implant, peri-implant disease and maintenance of dental implants.
I. Describe the some common periodontal emergencies and the appropriate care for each.
J. Document the legal issues and ethical considerations in the provision and documentation of periodontal care.
K. Cite the future directions in research for periodontal disease including: diagnostic technology, oral and systemic disease connections, and emerging treatment modalities.

Course Content

A. Best practices in periodontal care
1. Influence of diet and nutrition
2. Research and evidence based care
3. Life-long learning skills for best practice
B. Implementation of periodontal care
1. Periodontal diagnosis and collaboration with dentist
2. Decisions related to sequencing care
3. Informed consent
C. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy
1. Instrumentation
2. Nonsurgical procedures performed by the dental hygienist: indications and contraindications
D. Patient motivation and home care
1. Motivational interviewing for human behavior change
2. Patient's role in nonsurgical periodontal therapy
3. Host modulation
E. Chemical agents in periodontal care
1. Plaque biofilm control
2. Patient applied chemical agents
3. Professionally applied or prescribed agents
4. Irrigation
5. Systemic antibiotics to control bacterial plaque biofilm
6. Topically delivered agents
F. Periodontal surgical concepts for the dental hygienist
1. Periodontal surgery
2. Periodontal flap procedure
3. Free gingival graft
4. Bone grafting
5. Osseous resective surgery
6. Crown lengthening
7. Dental implant placement
8. Guided tissue regeneration
9. Gingivectomy
10. Sutures, periodontal dressing
11. Post surgical instructions and follow-up visits
G. Periodontal emergencies
1. Abscesses
2. Necrotizing periodontal diseases
3. Primary herpetic gingivostomamitis
H. Documentation and reporting
1. Documentation of periodontal care
2. Computer-based patient records
3. Insurance codes for periodontal procedures
I. Future directions for management of periodontal disease
1. Diagnostic technology
2. Oral and systemic disease connections
3. Dental implants
4. Emerging treatment modalities
J. Patient case studies
1. Application of course content to comprehensive patient cases
2. Research evidence-based practices
3. Create dental hygiene treatment plan for case studies

Lab Content

Not applicable.

Special Facilities and/or Equipment

A. Multimedia classroom.
B. When taught via Foothill Global Access, on-going access to computer with email software and hardware; email address.

Method(s) of Evaluation

Methods of Evaluation may include but are not limited to the following:

Mid-term examination
Final examination

Method(s) of Instruction

Methods of Instruction may include but are not limited to the following:

Oral presentations
Patient case studies

Representative Text(s) and Other Materials

Nield-Gehrig, J., et al.. Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, 5th ed.. 2019.

Types and/or Examples of Required Reading, Writing, and Outside of Class Assignments

A. Weekly reading assignments from the textbook, one to three chapters (25 to 75 pages) and readings from current evidence based journal articles on periodontal disease.


Dental Technology