Academic Catalog


Foothill College Course Outline of Record

Foothill College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Summer 2023
Units: 5
Hours: 4 lecture, 3 laboratory per week (84 total per quarter)
Advisory: BIOL 14 or equivalent; one of the following: ENGL 1A or 1AH or ESLL 26 or equivalent; one of the following: CHEM 1A, 25, 30A or equivalent.
Degree & Credit Status: Degree-Applicable Credit Course
Foothill GE: Non-GE
Transferable: CSU/UC
Grade Type: Letter Grade Only
Repeatability: Not Repeatable

Student Learning Outcomes

  • The student can analyze and evaluate the relationship between cell structure and function, and the mechanisms in place to maintain homeostasis at the cellular level.
  • The student can analyze and evaluate the relationship between integumentary system structure and function, and the role of the integumentary system in maintaining homeostasis in the human body.
  • The student can analyze and evaluate the relationship between skeletal system structure and function, and the role of the skeletal system in maintaining homeostasis in the human body.
  • The student can analyze and evaluate the relationship between muscular system structure and function, and the role of the muscular system in maintaining homeostasis in the human body.


Human anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on integration of systems and homeostatic mechanisms. Physical and chemical basis of life, histology and integumentary, skeletal and muscular systems. This course is primarily intended for nursing, allied health, kinesiology, and other health-related majors.

Course Objectives

The student will be able to:

  1. Use appropriate concepts and vocabulary from the chemical, cellular, and tissue levels to describe the organization and functioning of the human body.
  2. Describe the structures and functions of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs of the integumentary system in health and disease.
  3. Describe the structures and functions of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs of the skeletal system in health and disease.
  4. Describe the structures and functions of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs of the muscular system in health and disease.
  5. Evaluate intersections between anatomy and physiology and issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.

Course Content

  1. The introductory unit will include:
    1. Introduction to anatomy and physiology
      1. History of anatomy and physiology acknowledging bias in the fields toward contributions of men of European descent
        1. Recognition of historical contributions of individuals such as Wang Qingren, Imhotep, Ibn al-Nafis, Alessandra Giliani, Sushruta, etc.
      2. Overview of structural organization
      3. Introduction to the systems
      4. Homeostasis
        1. Control by feedback mechanisms
        2. Role in maintaining good health
        3. Homeostatic imbalances and their roles in disease
      5. Terminology of anatomy and physiology
    2. Chemistry of life
      1. Atoms and molecules
      2. Chemical reactions
      3. Compounds of life
        1. Water
        2. Acids, bases, and salts
        3. Carbohydrates
        4. Lipids
        5. Proteins
        6. Enzymes
        7. Nucleic acids
    3. Cell biology
      1. Introduction to the cell
      2. Structure and function of the cell membrane
        1. Cell membrane permeability
        2. Cell membrane gradients
      3. Cell membrane transport
        1. Active transport
          1. Primary active transport: Na+/K+ pump
          2. Secondary active transport: symport, antiport
        2. Passive transport
          1. Simple diffusion
          2. Osmosis
          3. Filtration
          4. Facilitated diffusion
        3. Transport in vesicles
          1. Endocytosis
          2. Exocytosis
      4. Function of cell division
        1. Definition and function of mitosis
        2. Definition and function of meiosis
    4. Histology
      1. Four basic tissues
      2. Surveys of:
        1. Epithelial tissue
        2. Connective tissue
        3. Nervous tissue
        4. Muscle tissue
      3. Glands and their classification
      4. Specialized membrane
        1. Mucous
        2. Serous
        3. Synovial
  2. Integumentary system will include:
    1. Introduction to skin
      1. Structure of skin
      2. Functions of skin
    2. Components of skin color
      1. Evolution of skin colors and misconceptions regarding a biological basis for race
    3. Effects of aging on skin
    4. Skin clinical disorders
      1. Disparities related to the underrepresentation of individuals with darkly pigmented skin in textbooks, medical training, and clinical testing
  3. Skeletal system will include:
    1. Introduction to bone
      1. Structure and function of the skeletal system
      2. Parts of a typical long bone
      3. Bone cell types
      4. Composition of bone matrix
      5. Role in homeostasis
    2. Bone tissue
      1. Compact (dense)
      2. Spongy (cancellous)
    3. Ossification processes
      1. Intramembranous
      2. Endochondral
    4. Bone repair
    5. Effects of sex and age on the skeletal system
    6. Skeletal system clinical disorders
      1. Osteoporosis
      2. Bone fractures
      3. Disparities in bone health and disease
  4. Muscular system will include:
    1. Introduction to muscle
      1. Muscle tissue (three types)
      2. Functions of muscle tissue
      3. Characteristics of muscle tissue
      4. Associated connective tissue
    2. General muscle anatomy and relationships with bones and joints
    3. Microanatomy of the muscle cell (fiber)
      1. Muscle fibers, myofibrils, and myofilaments
      2. Sarcomere, sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubules
    4. Structure and function of the neuromuscular junction
    5. Contraction
      1. The sliding filament mechanism
      2. Role of Ca2+
      3. ATP and the power stroke
    6. Motor unit
    7. Energy for contraction
      1. Phosphagen system
      2. Glycogen-lactic acid system
      3. Aerobic system
    8. Muscle system clinical disorders
  5. Issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice
    1. Examination of health disparities, social determinants of health, and health inequities as related to the above listed organ systems
    2. Examination of the contributions of scientists from a diversity of backgrounds to the fields of anatomy and physiology

Lab Content

  1. Laboratory topics (hands-on exploration of models, specimens, and/or digital renderings in the following areas):
    1. Anatomical terminology
    2. Homeostasis
    3. Cell and tissue identification
    4. Integumentary anatomy; examination of skin layers, tissues, and cells
    5. Bone taxonomy; survey of axial bones, appendicular bones and markings
    6. Muscle taxonomy; survey of major muscles, origins, insertions and actions
    7. Arthrology; Survey of joint classification and actions
  2. Laboratory skills:
    1. Identification of major cell and tissue types on prepared histology slides of systems covered
    2. Use of laboratory materials such as general laboratory equipment, models and microscopes
    3. Ability to follow a protocol, make experimental observations and draw conclusions for experiments involving topics, such as homeostasis of cells

Special Facilities and/or Equipment

1. Lecture room and biology laboratory equipped with instructor's computer, internet access, ceiling projector, document camera (visualizer), DVD player.
2. Fully equipped biology laboratory with support of laboratory technician.
3. Materials and equipment to teach anatomy and physiology, including: instructor's microscope with attached camera for slide projection, anatomy models, student microscopes, histology slides, preserved specimens, dissection equipment, Anatomage table, posters and videos.
4. Laboratory equipment and supplies, such as water-bath, glassware, and other chemical or biological reagents for studying the biochemical nature of cell and human physiology.
5. When taught via Foothill Global Access, on-going access to computer with email software and hardware; email address.

Method(s) of Evaluation

Methods of Evaluation may include but are not limited to the following:

Lecture and laboratory exams consisting of subjective and objective items. Exams written to assess knowledge and critical thinking ability. Exams may include short answer/essay questions, discussion questions, diagramming, questions relevant to laboratory experiments, lab practical component, or questions generated from models, histology slides, dissection specimens or images of the same
Lab reports, pre-lab or post-lab assignments
Evaluation of case studies and clinical scenarios
Reading and analysis of scientific studies of anatomy and physiology

Method(s) of Instruction

Methods of Instruction may include but are not limited to the following:

Cooperative learning, including team-based learning and problem-based learning

Representative Text(s) and Other Materials

Openstax. Anatomy and Physiology. 2020.

Tortora and Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 16th ed.. 2020.

Allen and Harper. Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed.. 2020.

Additional materials may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Scientist Spotlights:
2. HHMI Biointeractive exercises:
3. Articles on representation of skin of color in medical training (for example: "Under-representation of skin of colour in dermatology images: not just an educational issue", "Absence of images of skin of colour in publications of COVID-19 skin manifestations"

Types and/or Examples of Required Reading, Writing, and Outside of Class Assignments

Assignments may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Review assigned textbook and lab manual pages and corresponding instructional materials
  2. Completion of homework problems, practice questions, case study analyses, and written reflections
  3. Analysis of the contributions to anatomy and physiology by scientists from a diversity of backgrounds


Biological Sciences