Academic Catalog


Foothill College Course Outline of Record

Foothill College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Summer 2023
Units: 0
Hours: 2 lecture per week (24 total per quarter)
Degree & Credit Status: Non-Degree-Applicable Non-Credit Course
Foothill GE: Non-GE
Transferable: None
Grade Type: Non-Credit Course (Receives no Grade)
Repeatability: Unlimited Repeatability

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Student will be able to identify two visemes produced by using the back of the tongue.
  • Student will be able to identify two visemes produced by using the back of the tongue.


Designed for adults with acquired, congenital, or progressive hearing impairment or who have difficulty hearing in adverse listening conditions. Includes the least visible consonant sounds and blends of consonant sounds in the English language and contrasting the appearance of production of different consonant sounds by the oral structures, including cues from behind the lips, teeth, and face of the speaker. Aspects of hearing and the auditory range of vowel, consonants, and music are discussed. Assistive listening devices for television, adaptive telephones, assistive devices for hard of hearing, such as special alarms and emergency procedures, and technology for going to the movies are discussed, along with special features of hearing aids (e.g., variable digital settings, restaurant programs, t-coils, music programs). Practical experience in lip-reading and using adaptive equipment both in and out of class. Speechreading difficult-to-see vowels, consonants, and blends.

Course Objectives

The student will be able to:

  1. Increase the probability of being able to identify and/or discriminate difficult-to-distinguish consonant and vowel sounds of English, as well as consonant blends (e.g., /k/, /i/ as in "kick", /bl/ as in "black", etc.)
  2. Demonstrate improved ability to follow conversations, presentations, and discussions, using auditory and visual cues
  3. Demonstrate improved ability to focus on one person's speech, ignoring background noise
  4. Communicate receptively using vowels, consonants, and consonant blends with low visibility as verbal/non-verbal cues, and predicting the presence of non-/less-visible speech sounds
  5. Utilize coping skills and personal technology for dealing with the repercussions of hearing loss in daily living

Course Content

This course includes lecture/discussions/labs of all or part of these areas:

  1. Increase the probability of being able to identify and/or discriminate difficult-to-distinguish consonant and vowel sounds of English, as well as consonant blends (e.g., /k/, /i/ as in "kick", /bl/ as in "black", etc.)
    1. Words in context, utilizing contextual cues
    2. Words in isolation
    3. Difficult-to-see vowels and consonants, their production, and the cues related to their production that increase probability of understanding
  2. Demonstrate improved ability to follow conversations, presentations, and discussions using auditory and visual cues
    1. Verbal and non-verbal cues
    2. Auditory cues
  3. Demonstrate improved ability to focus on one person's speech, ignoring background noise
  4. Communicate receptively using vowels, consonants, and consonant blends with low visibility as verbal/non-verbal cues, and predicting the presence of non-/less-visible speech sounds
  5. Utilize coping skills and personal technology for dealing with the repercussions of hearing loss in daily living
    1. Coping skills and adapting the environment to optimize communication, television, telephone, alerting and alarm devices, service dogs, CART
    2. Social problems related to hearing loss (lecture/discussion)
    3. Reasonable expectations for hearing aids and new and advanced features of hearing aids (lecture/discussion)
    4. Descriptions of speech process as it affects efforts at speechreading

Lab Content

Not applicable.

Special Facilities and/or Equipment

1. When taught on campus: accessible, mostly quiet classroom with assistive listening devices and/or captioning as needed, adequate lighting, whiteboard or blackboard, electrical outlets, and screen or wall for projected or video materials.
2. When taught online/virtual: students and faculty need internet access with Zoom-capable computer, monitor, and speakers.

Method(s) of Evaluation

Methods of Evaluation may include but are not limited to the following:

Instructor observation of ability to reflect course material
Participation in all classroom activities
Post-test on last day of quarter

Method(s) of Instruction

Methods of Instruction may include but are not limited to the following:

The student will participate in discussions
The student will learn and practice lip-reading techniques
The student will present lip-reading materials for others to lip-read
The student will listen to and watch lectures or watch media on topics related to hearing, hearing loss, and lip-reading

Representative Text(s) and Other Materials

Selected articles, websites, and other reference materials as assigned by instructor, including digital resources provided by respected institutes, such as Johns Hopkins University and the Mayo Clinic.

Types and/or Examples of Required Reading, Writing, and Outside of Class Assignments

  1. Students are expected to write samples of sentence-length or longer in standard conversational English to illustrate various aspects of lip-reading and lip-reading challenges
  2. Students are expected to read various articles and books, and view videos pertaining to subject matter covered in class
  3. Outside of class, students are expected to practice speechreading (lip-reading) using materials distributed in class, dedicated practice times with friends and family, as well as using video and online materials
  4. Students are encouraged to find examples of information from the media about new developments/research pertinent to hearing loss to share in class


Deaf and Hearing Impaired: Disabled Students Programs and Services